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The Reveal

Revealing A Domain

Revealing a domain

When you are ready to Reveal a domain name simply click on the link shown in the image here. It will open a popup window that explains the cost you will pay and any discounts applied to your rate if you are on a subscription level plan

I should add here that if you had taken my advice and saved the domains you were interested in into a shortlist then it would save you a lot of money if you Revealed them all at once using mass reveal. However, I will leave that for you to discover yourself.

Reveal Modal Window

Reveal Success

Once you have Revealed the domain it will no longer be masked by asterisks and you will then see the domain name itself, in all its glory.

You are free to register the domain at any registrar you choose but you may want to be able to simply click a button and have it done right there for you.

Domain Pre-Reveal

You may have noticed an alternate option on the domain reveal page, which you can also find in the search results and account overview sections, namely pre-reveal.

Pre-Reveal gives you the functionality of revealing an entire segment of our database for 3 credits, giving you unrestricted access to domains that fall within that segment for one calendar month.

If you are looking for more than 10 domains a month, I would highly recommend using pre-reveal to give you the full firepower of data at our disposal, as you can additionally view the content, DNS and WHOIS histories of the domain before deciding to register the domain.

Our domain registration guide goes into detail on how you can register these domains in minutes within our system