Domain Name Intelligence & Expired Domains   Sign Up Now!

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TDN provides the most diverse hosting solution, anywhere. We don't use class C IP SEO hosting, or place all our customers on the same IPs.

From our thousands of provenly reliable providers, you can host from one to one thousand domains with us. You can choose between having a dedicated VPS server, or a traditional shared hosting provider.

What's Provided:

  • Choose between VPS and shared hosting
  • Your VPS and IP is exclusive to you, it is not shared with anyone else. No more worries about your hosting solution squeezing its customers onto the same IP
  • Use shared hosting to be mixed in with the hundreds of other organic sites hosted by well-known hosting providers. Hint: Our domain intelligence tool can show you the hundreds of unrelated sites sitting on shared hosts
  • Easily upload content to your servers via our interface, in bulk or page by page.
  • Easily remove pages and update existing content
  • Searchable, filterable list of URLs for each domain
  • Seamlessly integrated with our content tool
  • Optionally use Wordpress to manage your content and site. Take advantage of our huge IP diversity alongside the simplicity and familiarity of Wordpress

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Rand Fishkin Rand Fishkin, Moz

Jason is one of the online marketing world's earliest and most aggressive adopters of new technology, ideas and roles ...

Paul Madden Paul Madden, Kerboo

Jason has always provided highly technical and accurate advice and strategies for anything search related. His knowledge in the field of SEO is second to none ...

Christoph Cemper Cristoph Cemper, LRT

Jason is a top notch SEO I've known for years. His insights into highly specific miracles of Google, highly competive industries and a great gut feeling for opportunities is unparalleled ...

Gareth Davies Gareth Davies, AdBrain

There's no doubt about it, Jason is a leading authority on SEO whose knowledge is dizzying even to a hardened Google employee! ...