The Largest Domain Name Database in the World
Hundreds of Millions of SEO Domain Names.
Over 100,000 added daily
TDN provides coverage across all generic TLDs such as .com, .net, org, etc. and all ccTLDs, such as, .de, .ca and so on, giving you an easy way to find relevant expired domains for your requirements. Search through hundreds of millions of domain names and get the results back in less than a second!
Our search is designed to be fast, scalable and ultimately to save you time finding domains matching your requirements.
- An interface to enter query parameters that will instantly return expired domain names matching your criteria.
- Up to 10,000 sorted results returned in subsecond time from tens of millions of expired domains
- Save your searches for later use
- A history of the domain's major statistics, like how many referring domains, links, trust flow have accrued over time
- The complete backlink profile of the domain with optional filters and tons of related data, like age of domains, Alexa rank and where the domains are hosted. See the Domain Backlinks tab for more info
- Pick which domains match your requirements and simply reveal them in our system, it's as simple as that.
- We also provide domain registration with a wide selection of domain registrars. Domains can be registered at the click of a button.
- You can host your domains across the thousands of hosting providers we have sourced. Spread your domains over hundreds of unique, unrelated and provenly reliable hosting providers. Use flat files or Wordpress, it's up to you
- Search using domain and anchor words, positive and negative filters
- Quickly filter out domains using high competition or spam keywords
- Fine tune metrics like number of links from unique IP subnets (Class C's), Trust Flow and Citation Flow
- Search all TLDs or your own selection
- Filter out domains with UTF-8 anchor text (useful for English only domains and saving more time)
- Topical Trust Flow categories to fine tune contextual relevancy
- Optionally return more than the default fields, like number of referring EDU and GOV links
- Sort millions of results by Trust Flow, Citation Flow or Class C
- Review, choose and register the domains you like